On the 9 days before the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (16 July), we pray for the following intentions for all those in need throughout the world. The novena can be prayed at any time of the year for these intentions or for your own asking Our Lady of Mount Carmel to intercede and pray with us.
Click here
to download the prayers and intentions.
Day 1
For peace between nations, our neighbours, in our families and with ourselves
Day 2
For all who struggle with disease and illness, tension and tragedy
Day 3
For all who have died.
Day 4
For all experiencing hardship and difficulty
Day 5
For all young people
Day 6
For those no longer young
Day 7
For our families and friends
Day 8
For all who are the face of God to those in need
Day 9
For the many ways God’s love reaches into our lives through the gift of others
you are always with the brothers and sisters of your Son
as we seek to follow in his footsteps.
Help us keep our hearts open to God and to the needs of one another.
Be with those who struggle with disease and illness, tension and tragedy.
Help us bring peace and reconciliation wherever it is needed.
Help us to protect and look after each other.
Help us bring moments of healing and grace into each other’s lives.
Help us to be God’s heart in the heart of the world.
This we ask through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen
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