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Monday, 07 October 2019 12:34

Safeguarding Training in Zumalai

2019SCTTWeb150In August this year our Community Development Ministry Coordinator, Mayra Walsh, ran a 3-day training with 37 teachers from our two Catholic schools in Zumalai, Timor-Leste. The training introduced the teachers to our new Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults policy and facilitated engaging discussions about how to ensure that these schools are a safe environment for children in Zumalai.

At the June Provincial Chapter, the Carmelites endorsed the Province’s Safeguarding Policies and Procedures for children and vulnerable people. As part of the roll out across the Province, the new policy was implemented at our two schools in Zumalai, Timor-Leste.

During three days in August, 37 teachers from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic School in Zumalai and St Francis Xavier Catholic School in Raimea attended professional development training about safeguarding children at school.

Community Programs Development Coordinator, Mayra Walsh, facilitated the training in Tetum, with support from Br Antonio, the school Principal. There were discussions about the broader context of child protection around the world and within the Catholic Church, as well as in Timor-Leste and specifically Zumalai.

The teachers spent time looking at practical steps to strengthening the schools’ approach towards safeguarding children. One of the immediate outcomes has been the decision to display information in the staffrooms sharing the contact details for all relevant local service providers.

The teachers also identified specific curriculum areas relevant to children protection and discussed ways to reinforce key messages within classroom activities.

The Carmelites are committed to providing and promoting safe environments for all children, young people and vulnerable adults engaged with our Order in Timor-Leste and Australia. 

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