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Celebrating at Home

Celebrating at Home is a Liturgy of the Word centred around the Gospel reading for each Sunday. It includes a reflection on the Gospel and prayers.

It can be used personally, with your family or in a small group. It may be particularly helpful to the many people who, for various reasons including sickness and infirmity, cannot physically attend the Eucharist. Even when we are on our own we remain part of the Body of Christ.

Parts for all to pray are given in bold print and all the other parts can be shared among those present.

We hope that Celebrating at Home will be a source of nourishment and strength for all who use it.

Click the links below to download the prayers and reflections for this coming Sunday. Feel free to share these resources widely.



 Remember, you are not alone - we are praying for you and your loved ones.

'The light shines in the darkness, a light that darkness could not overpower.' (John 1:5)

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Celebrating at Home

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